having failed at doing things my way, I hand over my life to the Lord

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who is this Jesus?

   Imagine, if you will, believing in this man called Jesus. Imagine believing with absolute certainty of faith that he walked the earth as God in the flesh. Literally the Almighty Creator of all things dwelling amongst humans in human form. 
   Imagine that this Jesus was sent here to live and die in agony by the Almighty Creator so that:
   a) humans could never point to God and say, "what does He know about suffering?"
   b) humans could never say, "God is too far away to pay us any notice."
   c) humans no longer had to try to work their way to God, to heaven, by their upright life and good deeds, because this is impossible for imperfect humans, but Jesus did it all FOR us. 

   As I said in my last post, it was only a month ago that I considered Jesus a mortal with spiritual gifts, certainly not God in the flesh. I would have put Jesus on par with the Buddha.
   In truth, I knew very little about the life of Jesus and his teachings. His story seemed a vague faerie tale from my Sunday School days.
   One day I asked God, "If there is something worth looking at in the life of Jesus, please show me." It was a few days later that I found a book for 25cents at a thrift shop.
  "Who Is This Jesus", by Michael Green, brought me face-to-face for the first time with the realization that Jesus was LITERALLY God in the flesh. I have to say this realization lasted only a second and was foggied by my mind's reluctance to entertain such a profound and hard-to-swallow thought. However, it was there, and it struck a deep chord.
   I had a second profound glimpse as I continued to read this book: Not only was Jesus literally God in the flesh, JESUS IS STILL ALIVE! 
   Wait a minute, hold on God... Jesus, still kicking around?  
   The resurrection suddenly demanded more careful attention, and the implications were almost more than I could stand. Almost. 
   If Jesus was truly the Son of God/God in the flesh, and He was risen, then that means He is still alive today. Perhaps He's doing similar things as He did when He walked the earth, only from a different vantage point.   
   That's a lot to chew on, to say the least. I'll leave it at that for now, because Jesus is a huge topic indeed!

Grateful and seeking,

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