having failed at doing things my way, I hand over my life to the Lord

Friday, December 10, 2010

growing weary

   "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Gal. 6: 9).

   You know that petty bickering that nibbles away at the peace within relationships? It's usually the small stuff: the bread bag left open again, the failed communication.
   I battle daily with old habits of stubbornness and resentment. These behaviors seem "easy" and even "natural" in the moment, and biting my tongue or doing good when I'd rather be difficult can be HARD!


   God is amazing, and all things are possible through Him!

   So how do I tap into His infinite reservior of patience when in the crux of conflict?

   I simply ask for strength to be silent when I'd like to use hurtful words, to be kind where I might roll my eyes, to forgive easily where I might hold a grudge. And easy as that, He provides!

   But it's all about surrender...

   Sometimes I can feel the peace of God wash over me like a warm hug. But other times, I'm still holding onto the tail end of stubbornness and so deny the gift of peace.

   I've realized that to the extent that I surrender in the moment to Him, He gives me the patience and kindness I need.

    But if my heart remains cold, only half-open, then I'm denying help from the Lord. I know. Why would anyone ever deny such a free and wonderful gift?

   It seems surrender and faith and trust grow gradually. Perhaps He wants to teach us things about Himself along the way to full surrender.

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